How Laser Dentistry Can Treat Gum Disease

How Laser Dentistry Can Treat Gum Disease

February 1, 2022

Laser treatment over the years has gained popularity in the medical and cosmetic surgery fields. For example, laser treatments are used as alternative non-invasive procedures in the dental industry. Dental laser instruments produce a narrowly focused beam of light created to react on specific tissues.

Gum disease (periodontitis) is a gum infection that affects the gums tissues. If not treated early, it can progress down to the jawbones. The infection can be reversed by disciplined dental hygiene and professional treatments. Laser gum therapy is one of the treatment options available at the dental office near you in Irvine.

Laser Gum Treatment Procedure

When you visit our laser dentistry in Irvine, the following is expected during the treatment process. Patients’ comfort is our utmost goal. Therefore, we ensure you are well prepared and suited up before the procedure. The dental chair is then adjusted to provide you with much-needed comfort and rest throughout the procedure.

A fiber optic tip is placed on top of the gum pocket. A pin-pointed light is then used to get rid of infected or inflamed gum tissues. The laser only removes the infected part of the gum. It is also designed to infection-causing bacteria and germs from the gum pockets. The pockets are then cleaned of bacteria and the damaged tissues.

Plaque and tartar are then removed from your gum line. During this process, the dentist will use an ultrasonic cleaning tool. It breaks apart the plaque and tartar using sound waves. Removing the buildups prevents the chances of your gums having reinfections.

The laser is then reintroduced in the pockets for deep cleaning. Lasers will also sterilize the bone and tissues. It also stimulates the formation of blood clots speeding up the healing process. This prevents the need for stitches after the procedure.

Benefits of Laser Dentistry

Laser gum dentistry reverses the damaging effects of germs and bacteria in your gums. Other benefits of laser dentistry near you include:

It’s Less Invasive

When compared to traditional procedures, laser dentistry is less invasive. The traditional gum procedure requires the slicing of gum tissues. However, laser treatment doesn’t involve any tissue cutting. It reduces the risk of infections, bleeding, and sensitivity after the treatment. Most patients prefer laser treatment because it is gentle and less frightening.

Gives You an Improved Smile

We feel comfortable when we have straight, dazzling white teeth. Gums also play an essential role in delivering a perfect dental structure. Unbalanced gums will make us feel self-conscious about our Smile. Our laser dentist in Irvine will shape and trim your gums of extra tissue, giving you that dream smile.


Laser dentistry can be performed on anyone. Whether you have underlying health conditions such as diabetes, HIV, or under medications, the procedure is safe for you.

Quick Recovery

Traditional gum treatment procedures take weeks to heal. The recovery period of laser gum treatment lasts for 24 hrs. This is because there is no cutting or stitching of the tissues. Lasers also stimulate blood clotting. Blood clots reattach the tooth roots and gums, preventing reentering of bacteria to the treated site.

Laser Treatment is Precise

Laser treatment only focuses on the infected gum tissue. At Premium Dental located near Oak Creek, our specialists will use dental lasers to stimulate healthy tissue growth and fix damaged gum tissues. The method is accurate as the lasers can differentiate the infected and healthy gums. Your dental bones or teeth are not also affected.

What To Expect and Do After Laser Treatment

After the procedure, certain individuals will continue with their daily routine. Others will take a few days to be up to speed after the procedure altogether. As a result, you may experience soreness, gum discoloration, minor bleeding, or soreness.

During the process, you are recommended to follow the following tips.

  • Avoid brushing or flossing the affected area.
  • Regularly rinse your mouth using salty warm water or mouthwash and let the water out gently. Avoid spitting out roughly.
  • During the first few days after the procedure, your diet should consist of soups and soft foods. Avoid spicy, hard, crunchy, or chewy food substances such as nuts, cookies, or candies.
  • Maintain proper oral hygiene by brushing and flossing twice a day. Schedule dental check-up appointments regularly with your dentist 92604.