Emergency Room or Emergency Dentist for a Mouth Injury

Emergency Room or Emergency Dentist for a Mouth Injury

August 1, 2023

What is an Emergency Mouth Injury

An emergency mouth injury encompasses a range of traumatic incidents that damage the mouth, teeth, gums, or surrounding structures. These injuries can occur due to accidents, sports-related incidents, falls, physical altercations, or other sudden impacts on the oral region.

One common type of emergency mouth injury is severe cuts or lacerations. These injuries can involve deep wounds in the lips, tongue, or inner cheeks, often accompanied by significant bleeding. Such injuries can occur from biting down forcefully during a fall or accident or as a result of a direct impact on the mouth.

Another type of emergency mouth injury involves broken or knocked-out teeth. This can happen due to a forceful blow to the face, a sports-related accident, or a fall. The damage can vary in tooth fractures, ranging from a minor chip to a more severe break that exposes the tooth’s pulp. When a tooth is completely avulsed, immediate action is crucial for a higher chance of successful re-implantation

Jaw fractures are another form of emergency mouth injury. These occur when the jawbone breaks due to a direct blow or impact to the face. Jaw fractures can cause pain, difficulty opening or closing the mouth, misaligning teeth, and swelling in the affected area.

When faced with an emergency mouth injury, seeking emergency dentistry near you is essential. Emergency rooms or dentists are equipped to handle such situations promptly and effectively. Your dentist will evaluate the severity of the injury, control bleeding, assess any potential damage to the teeth, gums, or jaw, and provide appropriate treatment.

What are the Different Treatment Options?

In the case of an emergency mouth injury, there are different treatment options that dentists in Irvine can use depending on the specific type and severity of the injury. Here are some common treatment options:

  • Wound cleaning and suturing

The first step for deep cuts or lacerations in the mouth is to clean the wounds thoroughly to remove any debris and reduce the risk of infection. The healthcare provider will irrigate the wounds with sterile saline or antiseptic. Suturing or stitching the wounds may be necessary to promote proper healing and minimize scarring.

  • Tooth stabilization and restoration:

Minor fractures may be repaired using dental bonding or composite resin materials to restore the tooth’s shape and function. In more severe cases, a tooth crown may be recommended. Immediate action is crucial if the tooth is completely knocked out (avulsed). The dentist may attempt to re-implant the tooth, securing it with splints or wires while it heals. A dental implant or bridge may sometimes be required to replace a lost tooth.

  • Reduction and immobilization of jaw fractures

When a jaw fracture occurs, the healthcare provider will evaluate the extent of the fracture using imaging tests. Treatment involves reducing or realigning the broken bone segments manually. This may be done through external manipulation or, in more complex cases, through oral or facial surgery. Immobilization of the jaw is typically achieved using wiring techniques, intermaxillary fixation, or plates and screws. This allows the fractured bones to heal properly.

How to prevent mouth injury emergency

Preventing mouth injuries is crucial for maintaining oral health and avoiding emergencies. Here are some important measures you can take to reduce the risk of mouth injury:

  • Wear Protective Gear: Mouthguards are important for sports like football, hockey, boxing, and basketball. A properly fitted mouthguard can help cushion blows to the mouth and minimize the risk of dental and jaw injuries.
  • Be mindful of your actions and avoid engaging in risky behaviors that can lead to mouth injuries, like chewing on hard objects like ice, popcorn kernels, or pen caps, as they can chip or fracture your teeth.
  • Regular dental check-ups: Regular visits to your dentist can help identify any potential dental issues that may increase the risk of mouth injuries.
  • Avoid Tobacco and Alcohol: Tobacco use can weaken the gums and increase the likelihood of tooth loss, while alcohol can impair coordination and judgment, making accidents more likely.

Remember, accidents can still happen despite taking preventive measures. If a mouth injury does occur, it’s important to seek emergency dentistry in East Irvine to receive appropriate care and treatment.


When faced with a mouth injury, seeking immediate medical attention from an emergency room or dentist is paramount. Prompt intervention can help alleviate pain, control bleeding, prevent infection, and restore oral function. However, prevention is always the best approach. Visit Premium Dental for assistance if you get a mouth injury.